It seems that it has been quite a “dry spell” since our last post. We have had a lot going on that took time away from normal trips to a Disney park.

Savannah Linn
We welcomed our newest “Princess” into our family last fall. Savannah Linn was born on September 8 in California. Shortly thereafter, we helped her mom and dad move cross country to the east coast and helped them get resettled into their new home and life. Then came the holidays and time with family.
So finally, 2018 has arrived and life is returning to “normal,” or something that resembles it; and we find ourselves back at Walt Disney World.
So much is going on this spring at Walt Disney World with the Epcot International Festival of the Arts; and it will be quickly replaced by the International Flower and Garden Festival on February 28th. We will have new experiences, visit new lands and savor new foods which we will certainly tell you about and give you ideas for your next Disney adventure.
If all goes as planned, we will be back in Disneyland in May before we head east again and start our training to run the Wine and Dine 10K in November – our first in almost 3 years.
So bear with us and keep checking for updates and information!