
Advertising:  We have come to thoroughly dislike the irrelevant and mindless advertising that appears on web pages.  So we have made a commitment to NOT accept advertising.  No person or company can pay to advertise on the mickeyafterfifty.com website.

While this site is still under development we will not have advertising/affiliate links on these pages.  However, it does take funds to pay the bills, so we have decided that when the time comes to add ads & affiliates, any links to outside entities will be done only from a relationship basis.  The ads that appear on our pages will be those with whom we already conduct business and the links are specific and relevant to the mission of mickeyafterfifty.com.

Paying Our Way:  All admissions to the Disney Resorts and events, the purchases of merchandise and meals and any other miscellany are paid for by Melvin and Debbie Perry, unless otherwise specified.